
hello ladies

nush, i was NOT sleeping at 9:24. i'll have you know i woke up at 9:15 this morn ;) i'm not feeling so well. and no, it's not cause i had too much fun last night. i didn't drink too much and didn't stay out too late. my throat just feels really icky. i can't get sick for this weekend! meg, will ryan think i'm hot even if i'm sneezing all over him???

did i tell you guys my bro and his girlfriend are coming to visit?? they called me yesterday to inform me that they already bought tickets. they'll be here from oct 15-18, so if any of you are around, feel free to join us for a fun weekend :)

ok, time to do some work. i can't get sick, i can't get sick, i can't get sick, i can't get sick.

think my body is punishing me for all the alcohol and sleep deprivation i put it through?