
im here now...

if only that meant that i just woke up and got to work...

nope, ive been up since 6, showered, and studied all morning. i couldnt get anything done last night. i really need to come up with a more motivational study plan - having dev around is just not working. he is usually good about just watching tv and not distracting me, but last night, he was watching tv, got a phone call from a friend and talked to him for like 20 min, and was building julie and jackies tv stand...all in all too much noise to do anything. so i went to bed at 1030, and woke up at 615, got ready, got a lot of studying done. and was ehre at 830. went to a really good meeting this morning with allen - my boss, and steve, this asian guy i work with who if i didnt havea boyfriend i think would def break up with his girlfriend to ask me out :) anyway, i just got back and decided to blow off the conference iw as supposed to go to so i could have lunch with dev.

AND i talked to my mom!!! so after a miserable night, today is shaping out to be great :) got work done, talked to my mom for like 15 min, am meeting dev at 1230 for lunch. jules - the car is at 530 right?? also yesterday our sales guys told us they were taking us out for drinks today, and i was kind of bummed that i was going to be missing it to go get a haircut, but today i got an email saying drinks are at 430!!! so jules, i may just be a little tipsy when we meet up at 530 :)

i dont get fraps anymore either...i just cant spend that much money on coffee...jules - remember when we were at fleet and they gave me that 10 dollar thing for waiting so long?? i finally went to starbucks and changed it to a gift certificate so i can get 4 coffees :) but ive been good and not bought coffee all week....

AAANNNNDDD our tickets to hawaii came yesterday!!! well a copy of the e ticket, and all travel info for how much we get to spend each day (like 60 bucks/person/day...) and all the fun activities and stuff they have to offer all week :) i cant believe that is in 3 weeks!!

ok now i need to get through a few more emails before lunch....