

i love the weather report! i'm so excited :)

meg, i want dunkin donuts too! there were two dd's close to my work which they closed a while ago. so sad. now my only options are overpriced starbucks (which i dont' think i can buy till after i get paid at the end of the month. . .) and the street coffee vendor. i love my street coffee vendor, but he just doesn't live up to dd.

so i think i'm going to dye my hair today. it's time for me to re-do my highlights, but i've decided i should stop throwing money away on my hair, at least for a few months. so i'm going to go back to a light brown/dirty blonde. jackie and i are going to duane reade tonight to pick up a box of the do-it-yourself stuff. say byebye to blonde julie. sad, huh? i conviced jackie to dye her hair black, too :) megan, remember when you let us give you highlights??? haha - you looked so funny in that cap.