
busy monday morning?

goodmorning girls :)

i had such a fun weekend. we definitely missed out on a lot by going to a school where the concept of sports is completely foreign. the football game was sat night at 8pm. people started tailgating at like noon. need i say more?

we didn't start tailgating until about 4. we met up with some of evelyn's friends - one of them was from miami, so a lot of his friends from miami were in town, too. turns out they went to one of the catholic high schools in miami, so of course we knew each of them or their cousins or something. we created our own little miami party in the parking lot full of nc state students. when we were walking around earlier, it was just peter and us 4 girls (me, jackie, evelyn and her gf, deanna). anyways, nc state people weren't too excited about seeing miami fans walking around (although deanna and evelyn were both wearing nc state colors). peter had a beer bottle and two footballs thrown at him, so that wasn't so cool. poor peter. he couldn't do anything since he didn't think the 4 girls would back him up. oh well.

anyways, after we met up with the little miami crew, we definitely turned up the spanish music and started to salsa in the parking lot. no one else was even playing music! we definitely lived up to all the miami/hispanic stereotypes about us being loud and obnoxious ;)

miami won the football game (of course). after the game, we all had huge headaches since we'd been drinking all day, but then we stopped once the game started. jackie and deanna stayed home, but evelyn, peter and i decided to tough it out and we went to a party, anyways. it was at evelyn's friend's apt (the one from miami), so there was really good music, tons of alcohol, and miami boys that know how to dance :)

all in all, a great weekend. now i'm sad it's monday morning, i'm at work, and i need to start the south beach diet again today (we gave up trying to stick with it over the weekend, cause there's no way that was going to happen). blah.

GO SOX!!! ;)