
i am back!

after many hiatuses.. or hiati? i am here again. i had a really awesome weekend.. i went home to celebrate diwali (the hindu new year) and my dad's birthday. i hung out with vladimir (friend from MIT) who was playing at carnegie hall on saturday (i didn't actually see his show) but we did fun new yorky stuff on sunday. i went to this brunch place downtown called "home".. which was just as good as i remember but the service was a lot meaner this time. we went to mamoun's and to gray's papaya. do you see the theme here? he basically wanted to eat everything NY he could in a few hours. i was too full after brunch to eat any more but he downed one falafel.. one magnolia cupcake.. two gray's hot dogs.. a slice of ray's pizza and a black and white cookie. which is apparently a new york thing. did you know that? i just though black and white cookies were generic bakery things.. not specific to this city.

anyway.. it was a good weekend. megan- i'm really excited to see you in a month! glad you bought your tickets. do you girls have new years plans yet? nush/jules- wanna have dinner one night this week? we could even cook somewhere if you want to do the low-carb-low-cost thing :)