

Hi there... my tie breaker vote would be for Joe. I actually think you'd be better off dating Peter... but I don't think either of you are ready for that :) and I also think you'd wonder what would have happened if you picked Joe. :) Basically Peter will always be around.. Joe won't. So date Joe, if he's better, stick with him, if not, you've always got Peter :) I have a feeling you'll end up with Peter (not END UP as in the rest of your life... but at least of these two, he'll win out). You might as well kiss em both!!! :)

Girls: "1 - 1 tie
1 vote for peter, 1 vote for joe. rups, you wanna be the tie breaker? ;)

nush, that's awesome that you're making money off your coffee maker! meg, you're so smart :)

ok, back to work. argh. so much to do

posted by Jules @ 4:59 PM "