
you're coming to nyc in a couple of weeks!

i can't believe we're already in december. where did this year go???

i'm in such a great mood! i love fridays. and i guess the fact that i was in bed by 9:30 last night doesn't hurt. i met up with jackie after work yesterday - she was at some xmas party with her work people. joe, the guy i kissed a couple of weeks ago, kept asking her about me and kept telling her to invite me. it was fun, but i def had like no food in my system, so i got a little buzzed after a couple of drinks. jackie was pretty wasted. i don't know how that girl does it. she'd been drinking since like 4 o'clock! anyways, it was a fun night.

tonight we're going to an xmas party with a bunch of hampton people (rups, you sure you're not interested??). and then this weekend i'm looking forward to shopping and our xmas party :)

i had a large coffee from the street vendor this morning, so i've been BOUNCING off the walls. plus it's friday and it's kinda sunny (although cold) out, so i'm sooo hyper!