
good morning girls!!

i got some free starbucks today.. but now it's making me not want to go back to that starbucks b/c i think the guy is hitting on me... last time it was a girl but this time it's the older guy who always sees me with gerry. he asked what happened to my boyfriend :)

how is everyone doing today? sorry i missed the end of the day.. i felt really sick from the night before's italian and the lack of sleep so i went home to nap in the afternoon..

it was nice.. i didn't really end up napping but i did clean the living room and watch sex and the city. super productive monday :) megan- your anniversary night sounds incredible. i love that he treats you like a princess. you ARE a princess :) and i love that he can cook enough to think of adding baileys to fondue.

well i hope everyone has a happy tuesday... jules and i have our long weekly meeting again (blah!) but at least it means i see her for an hr and a half and that there is free fruit! that's always the best part of tuesdays.