
good morning!

hi girls! i am back.. i feel like i have missed over a week of blogging.. first my busy week b/c of my trip.. then my trip.. and then my being sick b/c of my trip :) but now i'm back and here.. still sick, but a lot better than yesterday.

anusha- you need to break up with dev right away! i know it's going to be ugly and it's not that things are all bad, but this is the surest i've ever seen you. especially if you are this excited about satyan :) it's time to let dev go. also, i wouldn't tell him it's because you like satyan.. it really isn't. satyan did come along while you are still with dev, but if you are open to meeting someone else, then the real breakup is because of all the reasons that we have talked about of why you shouldn't be with dev. i think if you tell him it's b/c there's someone else, he's never gonna know the real reasons as to why, and he'll be more hurt thinking that it could have been perfect otherwise, there was just "some guy".that's what i think you should do. and i think it's only fair that you end things SOON before any more cuteness happens with satyan :)

megan- i'm really excited to see you!! the weekend should be really fun. it'll be fun to do touristy things and see all the boston peeps. my sister will be around for some of the weekend but is on call saturday night. i may hang out during the day and then try to eat dinner with her near the hospital so that she gets a break :) maybe if we all eat in fenway somewhere, she can come too. friday and saturday during the day i am totally free. basically the rest of the weekend i am free. i do want to go to sophia's one night.. they now have tapas that are really really good. and i want to go to anna's at some point. there's an anna's in the student center now. i don't have any other real plans :) we don't have to celebrate my bday yet another weekend :) although i don't mind calling it that.

i'm gonna get a group together this weekend (probably friday so jules can come) to have dinner for my bday. nush/jules, i'll let you know about places. i think i wanna go to inoteca.

my actual bday was super fun. the wedding was absolutely the most beautiful one i have ever been to. my pics are still uploading but i'll send you a link once they are up. priya and salil are really the cutest couple i have ever seen :) and it was nice to be at a wedding that was more about their being in love than about just the festivities. it was a perfect way to spend my bday :)

blah.. i'm feeling more blah now.. it's mostly my head. i may leave early today too.. although i have lots of catching up to do.