
ok, now i've caught up

man, i get dicked over with this whole *holiday* thing - i kept having to remind myself its was president's day and that was why things were closing early - the only holidays we get are thanksgiving, the day after, xmas, new years day, memorial, and labor day. in fact . . . i wonder if we get easter . . .ok, i just checked - we do NOT get easter, but we do get july 4th. apparently we are american but not christian - i guess that works.

yesterday - i left early (since i worked on sunday) i picked up edgar and we went to the shelter i volunteer at to show him the dog i want (www.lollypop.org is the shelter's website, i volunteer at the fairport branch and the dog i want is king in case you want to look it up - anusha, he's waaay too big and not trained enough right now for you to like but i also can't have him because he's too big for an apartment, so you're safe) then we hung out for a little at my apartment, then went out for sushi for dinner then chai (we are chai drinkers these days) there was a group of people sitting waay too close at the coffee house, so it wasn't as nice as usual so we left early and decided to go to the $1 theater. nothing was starting then (8:30ish) so we decided to drive around for an hour and come back and see a 9:30 show of blade:trinity. during this drive around, i don't know how we got on the topic but we started talking about yetti. he knows basically all of my stories (hells, he's seen pictures of most of the guys) but we got into the chronology of carebear/yetti - basically, me explaining the overlap of the two. it was very random - but i like that we are close enough and comfortable and secure enough that we talk about our past relationships openly (or sporadic hook ups/24 hour dates if you are me)

as for the breaking up of dev - Anusha Prasad. tsk tsk. you can break up with him all by yourself, you are a big girl. it sounds like you had a nice weekend with him, though - you think it was sort of "the pressures off" because you know you are over him and his actions can be taken more lightly? maybe you can tell satyan to find a friend in boston the first weekend in march to go visit . .

jules - do you want to be exclusive with joe? my romantic story with edgar is one day i just blurted out so, are you my boyfriend? is that what i should refer to you as? yeah, i'm suave . . . he laughed at me and thought it was very cute :) did you hang out with julia this weekend at all?

rups - if you read this, i hope you feel better!