
good morning :)

i had the best day/night yesterday. work was really good/productive. worked out during lunch. then went to starbucks and studied from 5-7. and met stayan at a really cute indian restaurant called bombay talkie. i was there before him so of course i already knew exactly what i wanted to eat/drink before he got there. its been a while since he and i have gone out since we tended to just stay home and watch movies the last couple of times we have gotten together. it was nice when he called during the day and was like i want to take you out, no more eating at home :) he told me all about his job stuff (he is quitting the job he has now and starting his own fund of funds and gave his resignation on monday) then I asked him about his friends. I realized that (even with Anand the hedge fund manager) all my stories/things I talk about revolve around you guys and jackie, and i dont even know a single person that satyan is friends with. he kinda laughed at me when i asked the question but finally got around to telling me about a lot of them and how some of them wanted to meet up with us for dinner but since we hadnt been out together in a while he said i could meet them later...this is all sounding way too boyfriend like. so i brought that up later at home. i told him that i was having a great time with him and i love hanging out with him and im even over my "i dont want you to stay over mode" (how could i not be! every time he stays over i get the massages!!!) but that i just cant get too close to someone this quickly. and he was like why not we have so much fun together. and i was like yeah i know i just need time/space to meet other people and be by myself. that kinda ended the conversation, we just went back to kissing and laughing and stuff :-/ oh well, i tried!

this morning we got up at 6 and just laid in bed till 8. it was great. i cant stop smiling :) tomorrow we are both going to a conference for work...that should be interesting...

these blogs are way more fun to write than the ones i was writing a month ago :)