

i may or may not be here this weekend.. my sister was gonna come into the city but now we are thinking about a road trip somewhere.. maybe montreal? i wanna go somewhere outside of the city. if i'm here.. let's definitely do brunch.

sushi sounds yum.. i think that's what i want for lunch now.

other thoughts... i had this idea a while ago and blogged it but it didn't post... i was thinking that we all tend to blog at certain points in the day... usually more on mondays b/c there is more to share.. but i think it might be fine to have a random topic that we all talk about for a given day.. nothing formal or forced.. but i feel like 1. i don't really use my brain enough to "think" during the day.. about issues in the world or random ideals in society that i have thoughts on.. 2. we usually run into lulls in the blog when we haven't had an interesting night the night before or when everyone is already up to date on our drama...

plus.. i love when the four of us get off on random tangents discussing issues that are out there... i don't mean political ones.. but even the merits of netflix.. so i'd rather we do it more.. i like that we all think a lil differently :)

let me know what you think.. the topic for today can be whether or not this is a good idea ;)