
my day

i've made up a quality control log for our centrifuge. i've filled in dates i was supposed to do a while ago - and will have to do a lot more of that later on.

i think g'bury is a little out of the way - rochester is basically directly west of boston. edgar said whatever i wanted - he doesn't have anything to do until monday afternoon, so its me going to work monday morning. i figured we'd do brunch somewhere in boston - i have no opinion where, i don't think we ever did find a really good place. maybe rupa - do you or your sister have a favorite place? and then head out after that. its 6 hours sticking to the thruway - which we are going to try avoiding.

ok - i'll be honest. i just stopped writing this, got distracted and just emailed meghan and cara to remind them of our coming. i have no idea where my train of thought was going so i'm just going to post this because i'm too lazy to read it over and think about it again :)