
thursdays suck

the last three weeks, i've been doing assays that need to be developed on thursday. the first step of development is a two hour incubation. lab meeting starts at 9 and is supposed to last until 10:30 but generally reaches to 11. soo . . . i need to be here by 8 or 8:30 (depending on how many plates i need to develop) just so i can sit for 2 hours listening to other people's research. sometimes, i find it interesting. today was actually a little bit interesting because the discussion turned more into the kinetics of a listeria infection (listeria? what the hell is listeria? i have no idea - but now i know how it infects a mouse) and the proper way to 1. present data and 2. display controls - both of which actually matter to me.

but still! useless meetings. LUCKILY i don't do this other kind of experiment called fluorispots because lab meeting transitioned right into a meeting about them. meanwhile, i get released :)