
good morning

i had a fun weekend :) mostly studying or with satyan...fri night i hung out with a girl from oxford, sonali then went to satyans place and hung out there for an hour or so, home and in bed by 12. sat i spent the whole day with my parents (my dad had a conference here in the morning). we went to moma, got manicures, went shopping, out to lunch/dinner, then sat night i went out for a drink with satyans friend, home and in bed by 1130 :) then sunday i studied all day, went to the gym with dev (he is super cute now that we arent dating...its soo frustrating. but im enjoying the cuteness, he is my new personal trainer at the gym :) then satyan came over, we finished one of my netflix movies and watched desparate housewives. very lowkey but also very fun. now i have to get my tax stuff in order. my dad is starting to freak out and its so unlike me to be last minute like this!! although i file for an extension every year anyway which is why i have been putting it off...

question for the morning:
if you had to be trapped on some deserted island with one person who would it be?