
hello :)

nush, i'm so glad you had a nice evening. it's so great when you get to go home after work and do exactly what you want, then go to bed at a decent hour. and i agree with megan, i'm glad you stood your ground instead of letting satyan talk you into letting him sleep over. i think you're right, and it will be good for you to concentrate on yourself for a little bit.

i got an email from peter today. the subject line said "hope. . .", and the message simply said "i hope you had a GREAT time on your birthday, and enjoy the cruise this weekend". nush and rupa already know this, but megan: he sent me a text message on friday wishing me a happy birthday, also. does this mean hes' ready to be my friend?? he's so weird.

i'm exhausted today. i watched sideways last night while i cleaned the living room and kitchen. i didn't really like it - it was way too slow. i liked the part when the girl finds out he's getting married and kicks his ass. but yea, it was kind of a waste of time. now i'm so sleeeepy. . .

and rupa: you're right, it's gorgeous out right now. the problem with "cute little jacket weather" is that i dont' have any cute little jackets!

argh. i dont know how i'm going to keep myself from falling asleep all day. it's only noon!