
that sounds great (the dates not the weekend)

im going to get my haicut on thurs before you get here then :) jules i think im going to go where ellen goes - i loove her haircut, although she pulls of having cool bangs hanging in her face, that would drive me nuts..so we shall see.

megan - do you and edgar ever spend nights together and not sleep together? like whole nights? i mean you do it when you have your period right, why not on days like yesterday? how are things with jessie and him sleeping over/ just not talking about it?

dev asked today what i was planning for my bday :( i told him you were coming thurs and we were going to do a lot of "girls night" things...and that he and i should go out on wed just the two of us...he wrote back and said "i learned from last year that your bday is really important to you and it is to me also just like all your other frineds. i understnad that you have other people you want to spend your day with i jsut hope that i can be one of them..." im just terrified of situations like the one with evy at laguardia grill that time!!!