

nush, i'm sorry you had such a shitty night. thank God for super satyan taking care of you :) is there any way you can sneak out of work a little early today?

jackie didn't end up hanging out with joe. it doesn't make me frustrated that they were going to hang out - what frustrated me is that he was always too busy or too tired to make plans with me on weeknights, and then this is like the second time in a couple of weeks that he's made plans to go to happy hour with jackie. anyways, in typical joe fashion, he cancelled with jackie both times because he was tired and just wanted to go home. so, that made me feel better :). yesterday morning he asked jackie why i wasn't going to happy hour with them. jackie told him, "it's not because of you. she has her routine, she wants to go to the gym, she'll meet up with us if we're still out".

anyways, it felt really nice to go out last night and not be thinking about him constantly and all that.

and nush, i agree with megan: can't you try to find out what it is you're allergic to?