

ok, so I'd suggest taking the LIRR (Long Island Railroad) to Penn station. I think it's faster than taking the subway, and it's not complicated or expensive. it's $5 for the airtrain, and it's $5 for an off-peak ticket on the LIRR (make sure you get off-peak).

you need to take the air train to the LIRR at Jamaica station. From there, you just need to buy a ticket and get on a train to Penn Station. at penn station, take the 2, 3 uptown to 96st (the 2, 3 is the red line).

the the airtrain ride takes about 12 minutes, and the ride to penn station takes about another 15-20 minutes. and then from penn station to rupa's is about another 10 maybe? so hopefully travel time wont' be too bad. call one of us when you get off the subway at 96st, and we'll give you directions to rupa's :)

sorry if these directions are confusing - I'm not feeling very coherent right now. I need some more sleep. and for my head to stop pounding. . .