
my dream

I had the weirdest dream last night! I don't usually remember my dreams either, and when I do they're totally not exciting, but last night's was so weird. I was in an apt that looked almost like our apt, and I lived there with jackie and anusha. a bunch of boys from college were staying at our place visiting anusha. I was alone with the guys - jackie and anusha weren't there. I don't remember who they were, there was no one I recognized, but somehow I knew they were all random kappa sigs, all younger than us. I got into a fight with one of them because they were at anusha's window being totally rude and yelling at some girl out there. then I kicked them out/they all left and I went to sleep. there was this random closet by our front door, and I woke up because I heard some noises coming from the closet. when I opened the closet door to check it out, there was this huge dog in there, it looked like a boxer (nush, that's a kind of dog). the dog jumped out of the closet at me and he was growling and I was terrified that he was going to attack me and I was so pissed that nobody told me there was a dog in there. a donut randomly appeared on this table next to me, so I threw it in the closet, the dog ran in there after it, and I shut the door.

talk about random, huh?

megan, we're doing bowling and beer for matt's going away party. he's not a huge drinker, so we were trying to do something that doesn't just center around drinking. nush, we'll definitely be there at 8:30. I don’t think people are going to arrive until 8ish anyways, so it's all good. I'm going to the gym right after work and probably won't get there until close to 8 anyways.

nush, I'm glad satyan was around to console you last night.
rupa, that's awesome that you had a nice dream and are excited about seeing your grandparents.
megan, yay for getting your keys!