
mixed feelings

dev's been a big part of your life for a long time. you can't just shut all those feelings off in an instant. i was so surprised to get that email. i've never been super close to him. what am i supposed to reply? nush - patty talks to him about you a lot? that surprised me.

i will be home tonight, but i prob won't be there late because i'm going to the gym. i agree with you on hating the whole feeling busy thing. i just want to go to the gym and read harry potter, dammit! last night i had a drink with a few work people for scott's bday (nush, he's having a birthday party at a bar on friday if you want to come), then i met up with jackie and her work people for a yummy and expensive steak and seafood dinner (plus ton of drinks). it was fun, but all i'd been up since really early because i worked out before work, and all i really really wanted to do was lay in bed reading my book. i feel bad saying no whenever jackie asks me to be her wing-woman, though, because she always does it for me.

anyways, i'm looking forward to a low-key quiet evening tonight :)

meg - glad you had fun at six flags. when i went to the one in MA a few weeks ago, i kept thinking about you guys and metzger the whole time!

oh yea, nush - rupa slept in your bed last night. she got locked out of her apt, so i figured it was better to have her sleeping there than outside in the street in bob's old home. (bob is the homeless guy who used to live across the street from us). actually, i haven't seen bob since winter. hopefully he found a better home. . .