
leaving rochester

i had a horrible night - at some point last week, i hurt my back. i spent all of last night waking up every couple of hours and attempting to move which hurt like hell. it hurt so much that i could barely get out of bed this morning and was in tears because of how much it hurt. edgar convinced me to call the lab and tell them i'd be in later and stay home take some advil and lay on my hot pad until i felt a little better . . . so i did. now, i still don't have normal rotation of my neck and my back is keeping me very aware that it still hurts like a bitch . . . but i'm here!

i have no idea when i'm leaving rochester . . . what time are you guys planning to get to CT? when i leave depends greatly on the answer to that . . . plus, i have no idea whether edgar is going. over the weekend, he said he wasn't when he was upset with me. then we were better so i assumed he was. then last night he said he was "on the fence" i know you want a definite head count . . . and i'm still holding out hope that by friday, he'll have kicked the funk he likes to slip into lately, but i needed to share because after my horrible night everything is getting me depressed . . .