MMS Friends


meet the parents...

satyan met the whole fam yesteday. we went to lunch with just my parents, it went well. we went to a south indian rest, the conversation was fun and comfortable. then he went to his place, my parents and i went home. sashank and kerry came over and we discussed wedding stuff for a few hours, then satyan came over again to watch tennis with us, so he met my grandparents too. it was the accelerated track of introduction to the fam!

its really good but also scary that its so good at the same time...

im excited for this week :) tonight im going to try to go to yoga with j+J, tomorrow is the fashion show, wed is some hedge fund thing (ie get to hang out with julie and rupa), and im off friday for my next doctors apt...should be a fun week...

megan all those wineries sound good to me...