MMS Friends



dollop's at edgar's house because my cousin and my aunt are both super allergic to dogs. plus, i just got handed 5 tubes of blood to deal with . . .

i'm not entirely sure what the fight is about - he hasn't told me yet. he didn't feel like it on thursday - the only night last week that we saw each other for more than passing hellos. i had to go to work early all last week so i went to bed early - right after he got home. by thursday, he was mad at me about something but he didn't feel like talking about it then. on friday, he came over after his class but apparently we had had a magical conversation (which we didn't) which included dropping the dog off at his parents house that day would be convenient (which it wasn't) so i was all fired up about that when he got there so he went to his parents and got the dog. at that point, we were both running late for our respective friday things so we spent a wonderful 20 minutes together gobbling food and parted. we've had a couple of forced phone conversations since then as he doesn't want to talk about it until after this little babysitting gig is finished with. i was practically in tears on the phone with my mom talking about it because i was so angry - and i try not to say anything bad to her about him because i don't want her to decide he's evil again. i've had a headache since yesterday and i think this is why. i'm totally short tempered with EVERYTHING (man, do i want to kill my 13 year old cousin) and work is not exactly making my day today either. so far, the only good thing is that i got a B on my biochem test which i was very unsure of. and tonight instead of relaxing i'm going to go to a middle school concert to support my cousin. then, i have to go to my apartment and search for my ID. and i just found out that i have to come to the lab at a horrible hour (2am-ish)tonight to at stimulation to some cells i wasn't expecting. Oh, i am so feeling another abreviated friday this week. i'm going to need it to mentally prepare myself for the talk that will follow (since its the first night edgar and i will be able to have the talk)

i think my heads going to explode.