MMS Friends


poor jackie :(

does she have any medication or anything? are the dr. just saying wait and see? overall, kinda sounds like it sucks :(

tonight is my last night of babysitting!!!!!! i'm really excited, in case you couldn't guess . . . i'm going to hang out at my apartment with edgar, dollop and ryan tonight. george needs to stay home and do homework and is allergic to the dog. ryan, edgar and i are going to get sandwiches at the place on the corner (which i've been to with aunt and the boys before and ryan requested we go to again) then we'll eat our dinner at my place and watch fantastic four and i'll get to see my dog!! i hope she gets excited when she sees me . . . i miss her :( and hopefully ryan will be entertained by the movie so i can relax with my bf and puppy and not have to deal with a whining know-it-all 13 year old.

tomorrow night, i have obedience class at 6:30 and jess is going with me! i'm super excited for that since you are supposed to bring your whole family and i'm always alone. then, we are going to the movies, maybe to see derailed. her boss hired too many servers so she's getting screwed on shifts. she picked up a tuesday shift so she and i haven't hung out this week but didn't get scheduled for her usual friday so we are hanging out then. i'm pretty excited!

i know march is far away but i can't really peace out during the only two months of the year that eun asks me to be around. and it will be here soon enough :) and it won't be so freaking cold out by then so we'll be all more excited about doing stuff around the city! and nushie - its ok if you have to study, rupa and julie can entertain me :) so rupa - you need to check your schedule and pick a weekend that works for you!