MMS Friends


sooo much fun :)

so, we have all this community equipment around here which is treated badly by other people. one piece is a scanner/counter thing that although not abused is really expensive. so, this chic is using it and the grad student in charge of training comes up and is like uum, you haven't been trained on this machine and only those who have can use it. so she argues with him - but she's really really asian so it almost sounds like she doesn't understand english enough to get it. then she keeps using it and the head of the lab comes in and tells her she has to stop. the woman was basically like let me talk to the boss so head (alexandra) got to be like yup, thats me and they did this polite arguing back and forth - its great! (its a set of shelves away from my desk so i can eavesdrop without them knowing) alexandra is this hippie south african woman who i love (the head of my lab's wife) so it was like dueling accents! i know this sounds crazy random but i hate cleaning up after others who use the equipment i have to monitor and don't treat it properly. so, it is GREAT to hear a PI come in and tell one of the random people where they can stick it!