MMS Friends


hellloooo nurse!

ok, when does rupa come home?
and nushie - sorry :( i hope things get better :(

i'm at work in the AM for the first time in 2 weeks. i've been here since 8 and will be here . . . for a while. i really want to leave by 9 so that i can watch house . . . but we'll see if i'm finished by then.

stupid experiment.

but i am living at home again! i missed my dog . . . although she almost died this morning. apparently, its cruel of me to make her sleep in another room (away from the pack) so her crate got moved into the bedroom last night. and she woke up before 6am this morning and started crying. and then stopped and played (loudly) with her bone. and then cried some more. my landlords once joked that one of the tenents in my building (a good friend of their's) used to go into their apartment and walk, play, and take naps with their dog and if i wanted, they would come steal my dog for occasional afternoon naps. i feel like i want to go back and say sure - walk her everyday! knock on the door and if i'm not there, come on in and play with/walk the dog as much as you want! maybe if she used more energy during the day, she wouldn't feel the need to wake up at 6am!