MMS Friends


sorry nushie :(

you were counting on me and i failed you yesterday . . .
my job is one big headache right now. i dread waking up and going to it every morning and i'm starting to get a bit argumentative with my boss. i've been here since 7 (oh yeah, good times) and will probably be here until 5 or 6 tonight. i'm presenting at lab meeting tomorrow and i'm working on an experiment today so i'll be rather busy. why would i plan an intensive experiment the day before a presentation, you ask? well, i'll tell you - i didn't. friday afternoon it was dropped on me in passing. in fact, had shelley not had to ask eun a question about her part in the experiment i may not have known i was doing it. eun didn't bother to ask what my schedule looked like - but don't worry, after a phone call and an email, she eventually got around to calling me yesterday. and she'll meet with me sometime this morning. no wait - she's got a meeting at ten. so i'm hoping that means she can meet with me this afternoon but from experience i'm recognizing the distinct possibility that she'll have time to fit me in ooh, right about the climax of my experiment through lunch and then as we are finally getting somewhere with my presentation she'll have a really important meeting she HAS to rush off to. she's usually about an hour and 15 minutes late to our hour and a half lab meeting, so part of me wants to lace the first hour of my presentation with total cynicism that will be completely lost on her as she won't be there - but it will be just my luck that this will be one of the few times she pulls through for me (she generally does when tim is watching)

yeah, i'm pretty frustrated. i think i need a vacation.
on a happier note, edgar and i hit 2 years on saturday :) we haven't celebrated yet.

JULES (caps so in case you skim you know to read this part) - i'm sure you have been too busy to wade through the blogs you missed so i'm going to mention it again - since i can't come until march anyway, i was thinking of pushing my semi-annual pilgrimage to the city back until april . . . say the 14th to the 16th? just waiting for your go ahead and i'll pass the dates onto eun (who will say yes of course promptly forget and be all confused on the 13th when i tell her no, i cannot meet with you tomorrow as i will be jetsetting off to nyc - seriously, really bitter right now) and then reserve my seat on jet blue!