MMS Friends


sounds great, nush

that program sounds so cool! i got a call from someone last week asking me to provide a reference for you. i had to lie and tell them you were a very sweet, thoughtful, and responsible person :)

i'm exhausted today. i was at work til almost 9:30 yesterday, but i think i've finally caught up with everything i got behind on when i was in colombia. tonight i'm going with jackie to her floor's holiday party (so it's everyone on the exchange). it should be fun. she called me this morning to tell me that a bunch of guys have been asking her if she's bringing her cute roommate :) other than that, i'm just really looking forward to getting some rest this weekend.

poor dollop... i remember when my doggie got spayed. i was pretty young, but i felt so bad for her! she just layed around for a few days.