MMS Friends


is your dad ok?!

i haven't talked to my dr - my appointment is for 11am tomorrow. really, its probably going to be no big deal, just something to be aware of when looking at the list of side effects of any medication - i just hate having a dr callback . . .

and yeah - i don't know whats up with all this going to the dr bs when we are only in our 20s! a family friend was recently admitted to the hospital for unexplained leg issues and now they are pretty sure she has MS - she's only 2 or 3 years older than me! and she's a crazy person who went to princeton and then takes off to africa to do studies on wild zebras! and then everywhere i look there is stuff about MS - extreme makeover home edition was about a woman with MS this week and there is a study going on at U of R with MS treatments that i've heard advertised on the radio a couple of times . . . i don't want to hear about chronic conditions about any of my contemporaries until we are 50! i was really happy being that person who can check no for everything on a health survey - no allergies, no surgeries, no medications, no hospitalizations - and i'm the only one in my immediate family not permanently on some sort of daily drug - i really liked that!!!

stupid doctors.