MMS Friends


red drinks

i'm a little jealous :) i love non-traditional vday celebrations (see senior year's rejection game on vday, where i picked up my townie)

i met up with my dad this morning and got a new phone - my old one's speaker (maybe?) died, i could no longer hear the other person unless i had my headset on. then we hung out for a while and went shopping for my mom for vday and her birthday (dad got her a couple bath and body works things, a dvd and raspberry and orange truffles from lindt) a random story he told me was while at a place in ogdensburg, they discovered a new drink. well, not new . . . but a variation. my new favorite drink is a mojito and i got my mom to try one last time she came to rochester with my dad. anyway, i guess they are now serving pomegranate mojitos at a bar/restaurant in ogdensburg! this is the same place that has a bass sign out front but doesn't actually have bass there! its just weird to hear about any drink beyond, well, beer being served in ogdensburg . . . my dad couldn't convince my mom to try it. i just thought of it with the red food and drinking . . . it could be a red drink!