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eun never got back to me

actually, she still hasn't - which i find amazing. and she emailed me - so she checked her email, ignored the important one and emailed me about bullshit. my boss is stupid. well, sucks to be her because she just wasted another experiment day! its a 6 hour stimulation plus 2 and change hours to stain just to get to a point where i can stop for the day - so, there is a limited window of oppurtunity for me to do that today. SHE said to ME last week how important it was to get stuff going - so important that i couldn't wait until monday to separate some blood for controls, i had to do it thursday so that it would have time in the freezer before i had to use it tuesday. i've only used one vial and it was on monday anyway! and now i'm just twiddling my thumbs . . . well, actually i've just been doing all the other little things i ignore when i get too busy. maybe by the end of the day, you'll actually be able to see my desk . . .

i'm ready for the weekend.

this saturday i'm going to the lion king! edgar got me tickets for my birthday :) and next weekend, i'm going home (my mom's birthday is the 13th) i'm just not looking forward to today, tomorrow, and monday through thursday of next week (thursday, eun leaves for florida)