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kidding :)

i was kidding about the video ipod.. i love my current one.. and am too lazy to move all my music over.. i just mentioned that to show how damn expensive these things are. but it's true.. it's hard to find sunglasses that look really good.. and these do.

i did like another pair that i saw with julie that were half the price of these.. (the versace ones) so maybe i will try those on again if i do feel like these are too much by thursday. (i need to wear them around one day and see how i feel).

yay for journals.. i just went and read parts of mine.. it does make me happy.. and i know i'm gonna want to go back and read what i was thinking now.. just like i can go back and read what i was thinking in college or jr high :) when my journal was mostly about the crushes that i had...

yeah i don't know how much the boys will enjoy vegas.. maybe it's time for a double date vacation for the four of you? :)

i think the four of us should take a vacation together at some point.. just us.. and to a place where none of us lives. it doesn't have to be expensive or fancy or warm even.. just a cabin in snow with just us four, wine, and taboo, would be excellent. lets do that!

i'm going to miami with pia this weekend.. it's gonna one of those cheap-ish vacations and just us. i'm excited :)

ok back to work..