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my dog is a demon

she ate my glasses yesterday. well, she didn't swallow anything - but she chewed them so badly that when i gentley tried to put them back into shape, they snapped in my fingers. so i got out my contact - which i haven't worn in forever - one was ripped and the other was fine. i found my last still in its package contact. i ripped another one this morning (the other old one - apparently monthly contacts aren't meant to survive for years) i'm going to call to get an eye appointment today. she also ate a shot glass - the plastic one that anusha and i got in cancun freshman year. edgar and i went out and bought wire rope (coated in plastic) to make her a leash that she can't destroy to wear around the apartment. this way, when she's bad we have a way to get to her to scold her instead of chasing and making it a game.

as for colombia - is carlos vives the head of tourism the same carlos vives who is a singer? or is that just a common name? is he like the colombian ricki martin??? i know, random thing to take away from the article, but i had to ask :)