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i did ask about them!

ill have to check that out next time i go to ct...i havent had those in forever. and i still think of george whenever i have guac :)

i had lunch with satyan and some other fund of funds people. its so fun to see him randomly in the middle of the day. and esp when its for work and i dont feel guilty not being in the office.

its funny though because most people are talking about how people in the industry are sketchy, they cant find anyone loyal, nice, etc. and he and i just look at each other without saying anything - as if we are proof that what they are saying isnt true. its such a nice feeling :)

and we are going on a cruise in august with my family!! 4 day cruise to halifax in canada. it leaves from NY. it is totally perfect. im really excited. first family trip - mom, dad, sashank, kerry, me and satyan...i know youll all want to know sleeping arrangements so here it is - satyan basically gets his own cabin, and ill sleep in the same twin bed as my mom :) and the extra bed in his room will just be empty....