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i know, i suck

i miss you, megan! please don't be mad at me. things have been ridiculously busy at work and i don't have internet at home yet, so i haven't really had a chance to blog.

i spoke to rupa on IM briefly yesterday morning. she's busy but happy. she says hi to everyone.

anusha and i had lunch earlier this week. it was nice hanging out for a bit :)

everything in my life is ok, just busy. i don't know why i feel like i have so much work all of a sudden. they're moving someone over to my group to help me with all my workload, but it's taking a lot longer than we hoped (since they need to hire someone to take over her position first). so until that happens, looks like i'll continue to be overworked. all i know is that i better get a huge ass bonus at the end of the year.

i'll send pics of the apt when we finally finish organizing everything. it's so small! but it's cute. and cheap. and in the neighborhood we wanted to be in. and i only have to put up with it for 1 year since i'm pretty sure i'm moving back to miami next summer :)