
goodbye earl

megan, that song just started playing on my ipod, so i obvioulsy thought of you immediately. ahh, the good ol' days :)

anyways, i had a fun weekend too! i obviously didn't get as much sleep as i needed, but i still had a great time.

i saw the gates in central park yesterday! i took julia ice skating in central park, which she loved. it was her first time on the ice so she was a little scared at first, and she definitely didn't let go of my hands the whole time we were there, but she had a great time. she was so excited when i got to her apt to pick her up. she even made her mom buy her a disposable camera so she could take pictures! when i picked her up, her mom told me that she (the mom) had been depressed for the past couple of days, so when we left her house i told julia that we should buy her mom flowers for valentine's day on our way home. her mom LOVED the flowers! you should have seen the look on her face, she was so surprised. i'm glad we got her mom flowers, because when i got there they gave me a valentine's day present, too! a teddy bear and chocolates. . isn't that cute?? i definitely wasn't expecting anything.

so, megan, i guess you're probably the only one that needs an update on my weekend since anusha and rupa have heard most of it. . .

as you know, rey, jose, and miguel all arrived tuesday night. rey and jose went to high school with us, and this was the first time we met miguel - he went to college (FIU) with rey. he's 25 and lives in santa barbara now. since the first night he was always hanging out with me and going out of his way to be nice to me and stuff. i thought he was cute and really interesting. thursday night we all went clubbing. we had about a billion shots at the apt before we left. i was pretty wasted by the time we got to the club and ended up making out with miguel. he slept in my bed when we came home, but we didn't hook up or anything. we just made out for a little and then went to sleep. the next morning he sent me a couple of cute text messages and stuff. i felt like shit on friday, because i knew spikey was coming friday and didn't think he'd be too excited about me making out with miguel . . .

on friday we all pre-partied again at the apt and then met up with spikey and jordan (jordan's our friend that promotes at different clubs. he went to cornell with spikey, and we actually met jordan through spikey). spikey was pretty wasted by the time we got there - he was actually really really drunk. he started dancing with me as soon as i got there and kept trying to kiss me. i told him that i'd gotten wasted the night before and made out with miguel. he was like, "so, will miguel get mad that i'm dancing with you right now?" i obviously said no. so whatever, spikey didn't seem to mind too much. we made out and danced for a while, and then he kept telling me that he just wanted us to go home. i had just gotten there and rupa and anusha and a bunch of work people had just arrived, also, so i definitely didn't want to go. i also didn't really want to go just go home and hook up with him - i wasn't drunk enough to make that seem like a good idea. so he kept insisting that we go home for a while, then we went to the bar to get him some red bull 'cause he was falling asleep. on our way back from the bar, some girl that had been staring at him all night grabbed him and started dancing with him. and.. . that's all i saw or heard from spikey the rest of the weekend. he hung out with that girl all night, then when the club closed the guys and some girls were going to get something to eat, and spikey took that girl with him. i went home when i realized that all the guys had girls. he didn't say bye, he didn't call the rest of the weekend. . .nothing. so whatever, i was kind of bummed that night but it's no big deal. he's definitely not worth it. i was just kind of annoyed that i wasted the beginning of the night hanging out with him instead of just hanging out with miguel. the girl spikey spent the rest of the night with wasn't even cute!

so miguel, rey, and jose all came home at like 7am that morning. saturday we all (rey, jose, miguel, jackie and i) went to brunch, then went to f.a.o. schwartz, central park, shopping. sat night we went to free wine and got a good buzz going there, and then we went to a couple of other places. miguel and i spent most of the night hanging out together again. we were sitting together at one of the bars we were at, and he kissed me. i totally did not expect him to want to kiss me again after he saw me making out with spikey the night before. at some point in the night we met up with this girl that the guys are friends with, vilma (spelling?). she was reallly nice and cool. we were all at a lounge by our apt together. jackie went home because she was tired, so i was there with the guys and vilma. after a while miguel wanted to go home, so he and i left and rey, vilma, and jose stayed at the bar. when we got back to the apt we started making out a little and he tried to go a little farther, but i didn't want to so we just went to sleep. the next morning i woke up early to go to church, then went to pick up julia to go ice skating. when i got home at night, jackie told me that miguel had left and asked her to say bye to me. he was supposed to fly back to california today, but decided to take off last night to go to vegas with vilma. random? apparently they had lunch together sunday, she was going to vegas and convinced him to go with her. this is the part that jackie and i are really confused about. if there was/is something between miguel and vilma, then why did he hang out with me sat night instead of with her? so weird. a

nyways, rey and jose will be gone by the time i get home tonight, and i'll just go back to wonderful joe :) i'm still exhausted from the whole weekend and i think i might be getting sick, so i don't want to to anything tonight. joe and i are hanging out. i want to do something low-key, like order food/or grab something not-fancy and just watch a movie. ok, back to work.