
my turn

i had a wonderful weekend!

friday night went out with patty for her bday with natasha and some of pattys friends. it feels good to just be out with a bunch of girls like that even though i didnt know most of them. then the girl night continued at rupas. she is the cutest host in the whole world! ellen and her friend from work were there and rupas sister. the rest were de shaw people. it was fun! good drinks, awesome food (which you guys prob already guessed). then we got dressed and met up with julie and all her men at a club. which was fun but i really dont like those crowded clubs anymore. and from that night, my vote is def for joe over spikey. he was drunk and totally not impressive. i cant believe he has a kid!! but i like joe :)

sat i slept most of the day then went to see a very touching hindi movie with dev. it was in times sq which by itself is cool :) the movie is called black - megan not sure if theyd have it in rochester but i think youd like it. so add it to your netflix cue. its very sad but really good acting; basicalyl a hellen keller story of an indian girl.

sunday sashank kerry and i went to central park to see the gates (megan: an artist put up like 50,000 saffron colored flags all over central park, ill send you a picture tonight, it looks really cool) then went to the natural history museum with satyan (my friend from work) and then dev and i went to ruby foos in times sq. i really liked it! its like pf changs but better....then desparate housewives then bed :)

tonight dev is coming over and cooking me dinner. im excited. things are going well (i know i know, they are going well for like the last two days, that isnt indicative of anything...) but anyway, i have the candles that he lit in a heart shape last year for v day so im going to take them out and light them up again in my room. i think julie and joe are going to be home too, so well prib just cook and then go eat in my room while watching a movie. im going to set up a mini candle lit table on my floor using tejals end table that she made and then pillow cases to sit on. i miss his huge apt in atlanta but its ok i think itll still be romantic :)

ok back to work....