
my weekend . . .

. . . . turned out fantastic!

Friday, i had a big night of watching Finding Neverland. Saturday, i got up early and walked dogs at lollypop - including a wein-something puppy - the kind that are the color of julie and nushie's couch. SO CUTE! then i picked edgar up and we went grocery shopping for Sunday and got soup to eat for lunch. Then, I hopped back in my car and drove to auburn for dinner with my parents and Grandma - which was really really nice. Then I came back to rochester, watched part of being julia and picked up Edgar and he drove to my grandparent's lake house. we got in without setting off the alarm this time :) we spent Sunday at there house - which was also really really nice. at 6ish we stopped playing ping pong (no, not a code for kinky sex, we were really playing ping pong) and started cleaning up. We ate dinner on the way back at a random chain restaurant - not much is open at 8:30 on Easter Sunday. the only sad thing was on the way back, we hit a raccoon :( :( :( I don't know whether we killed it, but it ran out really close to the car so it was hit pretty hard.

when I got home, jessie wasn't there yet and i went straight to bed - but she came in a couple minutes later so we got to talk for a little while before i fell asleep.

i was in a crummy mood when i woke up this morning because i just wanted to stay in bed. but i start my last experiment of the series i've been doing the last couple of weeks and this week should be mostly about looking at results - so slow, on my own time schedule, and won't be any late nights (hopefully) and lent is over, so i can get myself coffee at the coffee cart! i think i just need to take a day off and relax - without having to drive some place to do it. or just have the sun come out!

and i have to go to a baby shower tomorrow night! talk about blah . . . i mean, i like the girl who its being thrown for - but jeez. baby shower? it just doesn't sound like a wild fun time.