
sticking my tongue out at you

about the netflix stuff, but not for too long since you are coming for my bday :)

add one more to my list of boys :) you guys will get a kick out of this one. friday night at the concert, i opened a tab at the bar for me and satyan since he paid for the tickets. when we were ready to go i went to the bar to close it out - which was like 10 feet from where he and his friend were standing. he asked if i wanted him to come with me but i said id be fine. i get to the bar, within 2 seconds one guy - short ugly dorky - comes up to me and asks if i want to dance (the concert was very slow/close dance type music) i said no sorry im closing my tab and leaving actually (we were leaving early since it was arleady like 230) he goes to sit down again :) then the guy standing next to me who was really cute and indian turns to me and says hi im raj, i say hi, he says thats a really pretty name. can i buy you a drink? i say actually im on my way out. he says ok ill talk to you till they bring you your check - gets to the do you live in the city where do you work where did you go to school. at the end he is like damn it i finally meet a beuatiful AND smart girl and you have to leave! let me give you my card, i know you wont write but in the event you feel like sending me an email we can get together id love to take you out sometime...

sooo i walk back over to satyan and his friends and they are both smiling/laughing at me. he goes geez i cant let you out of my sight for more than 2 seconds and guys are hitting on you left and right, literally.

anyway today i was cleaing out my purse, saw the business card and decided what the heck let me send him an email :) so i did. just wrote you prob were never expecting this and that is precisely why im writing it :) we should meet up for a drink sometime...

i kinda like this whole no strings attached stuff...anyway he wrote back and we may meet up for a drink sometime...

as jackie put it - being honest with them and telling them that i dont want to just date them i want to date other people seems to make them want it more! i love it :)