
heading out soon

im finally going home after 4 days! rest for a while, watch some of a movie then go to dinner...

urgh alex is so irritating. here is the conversation:
alex: im not going to be here mon or tues
me: (obviosuly i know that, its been in the calendar i just didnt ask cause i dont care..) "really what are you doing"
alex: doing some surfing (in a very cocky i know how to surf im cool kinda way)
me: thats cool
alex: yeah its going to be awesome.
me: who are you going with
alex: im meeting some people out there
me: no response
alex: do you know ray dantes
me: (is he for real??) of course i do, we went to school together remember
alex: no response, end of conversation.

on that note im leaving! i cant wait for next week - itll be quiet here, just me and steve which means time to work out during lunch time to catch up on my work/reading/etc.

jules see you at home, megan talk to you on monday through the blog, rups see you sunday at your place!