

i want summer to come, but not summer as in may cause then ill be stressed, i want it to be june 4th at about 6 pm :)

my answer was my mom. i think she is one person that i can spend hours with, fight with and make up without feeling frustrated...

i asked my family that question a while ago - my dad said my mom, my mom said me - so my dad got hurt and said he wanted to pick someone else! then my brother said me. then i said my mom so my brother said he wanted to pick someone else too! it was a pretty funny conversation :) my brother was totally defensive and trying to sell him self and why i should pick him instead of mom. i felt good though :) satyan and i had the conversation last summer when we hung out and at that time i forget what his answer was, when we were asking questions out of the book on thurs his answer had changed to "i think you know the answer to that now..."

megan, when do you start looking for apts in rochester? here we started looking around this time last year but everyone kept telling us to come back in like 2 months. its so stressful to not know if youll have a place by the time your lease is up!! ellen is moving into my bros friend seans place for the summer until she moves in with her gay friend billy from high school. in her interim from when her lease is up and her summer place is ready she is staying at hotel sullivan :) im excited! i think itll be fun to spend a week with her like that...i think satyan will be quite unsure how to react to not being able to stay over at all for a week..im getting quite used to him being over :) i like it a lot :) i also like the random other boys but i seem to be making up excuses to cancel on them so i can hang out with satyan....