

i have absolutely no motivation to do work right now. i feel like it's friday and i'm ust itching to get out of here!

the party last night was fun. bowling didn't work out because the place was packed and we didnt' feel like waiting for a lane, so we went to a bar and drank instead. i had a good time. i went home at like 11 though because i was tired and didn't feel like drinking myself to death. some people (including rupa) stayed out til like 4am. troopers! anyways, there was a lot of fun work gossip and bashing co-workers. i love how honest and open people get after a few beers :)

i talked to joe today. i called him to see if he wanted to take the ferry to jersey with me tomorrow so i wouldn't have to go alone (he said yes). we chatted for a few minutes. it was nice hearing his voice - i miss talking to him. anyways, we'll have 40 minutes of quality time on the ride to jersey tomorrow.

ugh. why isn't it 6 o'clock yet??

nush, have fun with your co-workers! don't order just water. . . they'll make you pay anyways, and you wouldn't have had anything to drink!

meg, have fun moving!