MMS Friends


went to ogdensburg last night

i left work early yesterday so i could go home with edgar, my cat hadn't been eating for the last couple of days so my parents were taking her to the vet and worried that he would say she need to be put down. i didn't make it home in time for the vet appointment, but they called and told me that she had renal failure, was not in pain and would pass naturally very soon. she ended up dying about half an hour before i got home, but i got to see her and i spent the night at my house and hung out with my parents. i'm fine and then i start to cry and then i'm fine . . . i think i'm going to be like this for another couple of days. edgar has been great - he's the one that suggested i go home last night and that he would drive me (which is good because if i had been behind the wheel when my dad told me she was in renal failure i probably would have gone off the road)