MMS Friends


stupid coworkers

"thats your job" my ass!
eun and tim (tim is eun's boss) waited until last minute to deal with some samples to get preliminary data to write a contract proposal and now i'm getting sucked in! i showed up to the meeting on tuesday - a meeting where i have no real creative imput as i don't have enough experience, and i have no real say as everyone responds with yeah well we all have to do something. now i am going to have go to the follow up/final decision meeting on friday. at 11:30. so, i will have to come to work for this meeting, park in my far far parking lot to get here and have to either have the people at RGH drop off my samples (which may not be until 4pm or later) and at some point either go out to my car after 2 to move it closer or walk out to my lot when i'm finished (which if i don't get my samples until 4, may not be until 8 or 9 and which takes me past a less than populated, somewhat sketchy area). which actually i'm going to have to do today since i had to go to lab meeting this morning because it was biosafety stuff.
all this is only annoying because i went to confirm with the guy that's organizing the meeting and gen and courtney to see whether i really need to be there and i got a "that's your job, no sympathy here" really? and you can say we left together last night all you want - you also attended 6 hours of class during the day (aka not work time) and i was here at 8:45am to go to the stupid meeting and i will be here late this evening - i'm putting in my hours. i'm attempting to limit my unpaid useless trecks to and from my godforsaken lot while still doing what you say is required of me (not my boss, by the way - just gen) and then you give me attitude?! i came and ASKED whether i needed to be there - i didn't tell you i wasn't coming! this will be only my second meeting, and there have been like 5 - my attendance wasn't required at any of the others and you find it shocking that i wonder whether its required for this one?!?!

plus, i decided i really wanted coffee, even though i had the coffee place the hospital now has with a passion. i went down, ordered my coffee (which i think i was overcharged for, but i haven't confirmed) the woman yelled it over to the woman making the espresso who started to do something. i'm talking to gen and courtney while i wait for my order to be yelled out (there are no other people waiting) the girl who took my order sat down at the couches next to the coffee place and started playing on her cell phone. my coffee isn't out. more waiting. my coffee isn't out. the girl who was making it is now on her phone. i finally approach the counter again and a new girl comes up and is like what did you want? i'm like the coffee i already ordered and paid for . . . yeah, its already made, she just adds the whip cream and hands it to me - did you want whip cream? nope. she takes it back, scoops it off the top of the coffee puts the top back on and hands it to me. wait, what? so now i'm just all pissy. and do i get to leave anytime soon? nope. i have to run my samples in 2 hours and i have more samples scheduled to come today (i don't know when or how many because even though alot of it is scheduled, they never think about telling me these *minor* details.

DUDE! i'm a basically happy person! i was happy when i woke up this morning, edgar and i were joking around - it almost made me late because we chatted so long. how does being here suck it out of me?! this is why i liked coming in late, it limits my contact with my coworkers who can be so totally negative sometime that its hard to stay in a good mood.